Outsourcing Practices and Corporate Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt.

Reference code: MG028

This research investigated the association between outsourcing practices and corporate performance of Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Human resource service, financial service and production service were used as empirical referent of the predictor variable whileprofitability and market share were used as measures of the criterionvariable. With respects to the conceptual and operational framework, the research answered six research questions and test six hypotheses in order to ascertain the degree of positive linear association between outsourcing practices and corporate performance. Resource Based Theory (RBT) and Transaction Cost Theory (TCT) werethe sociological baseline theoriesadopted as the theoretical foundation for the study. Cross-sectional survey research design was used for the study. A total ofseventy three (73) respondentswere drawn from a population of ninety(90)existing managerial employees across the eighteen (18) selected Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, using Krejcie& Morgan (1970) table for determining corresponding sample size for a given population and the Krejcie& Morgan (1970)formula for sub-sample size calculation for individual organization. The researcher collected data on a macro level unit of analyses using a five point Likert Scale questionnaire tattled: “Questionnaire on Outsourcing Practices and Corporate Performance of Manufacturing Companiesin Port Harcourt (QOPCP)”.
The Questionnaire was validated through face validity, content validity and construct validity while Cronbach alpha was used to test for reliability of the research instrument. The data collected was analyzed at different levels. For primary level data, descriptive analytical tools were used and for secondary level data, inferential statistical tool [i.e. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC)] was used. These analyses were conducted using a computer software package called statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. The result of the findings revealed that human resource outsourcing service; financial outsourcing service and production outsourcing service give rise to corporate profitability and market shares respectively. Based on empirical findings, the researcher then concluded that outsourcing practices significantly and positively affects corporate performance of manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt.The researcher then recommends that: Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should stimulate human resources outsourcing in order to achieve profitability; Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should encourage human resources outsourcing in order to ensure increased market share; Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should inspire financial outsourcing services in order to guarantee increased profitability; Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should inspire financial outsourcing services in order to enhance increased market share; Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should persuade Production outsourcing services in order to warrant increased profitability and Manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should stimulate Production outsourcing services to ensure increased market share.


The current recession in Nigeria economy is changing business dynamics and operational models. Restructuring or/and rightsizing is becoming the order of the day. A common activity in restructuring is the identification and separation of core from no-core activities. Subsequently, processes are built around both activities to support overall enterprise goals (Uwadiae, 2017). To achieve a functional, efficient and cost effective organisation, it is now common knowledge that certain processes are better outsourced to a service provider than managed internally.
 Outsourcing business process is a management practice that involves engaging a third party usually known as service providers to manage certain process and for activities of the company. Outsourcing is a common practice and a familiar concept. Over the years, both big and small companies engage the services of other firms to handle tasks that would normally have been performed within the organization. Sometimes, it is usually the non- core functions that are outsourced to enable management focus on core business activities (Uwadie, 2017). At other times, management would outsource an important an important function where it does have the expertise or the financial capacity to run efficiently, provide  the decision  advances the achievement of overall objective.
However, despite the world-wide acceptance of Outsourcing practices, many companies are ye to fully understand and tap into the numerous benefits of outsourcing. In addition to benefits discussed in details in the foregoing, Outsourcing helps to achieve sustainable efficient corporate performance thereby increasing revenues, enhancing quality service delivery to customers, reduce exposures to business risks, increase manpower efficiency and optimize processes.
With the current economic situation, the dream of every management is to operate at maximum efficiency and at the lowest possible costs without hurting the bottom-line. Outsourcing services help companies to access specialized services that can increase revenue and reduce operating costs. Outsourcing gives access to the best expertise in the relevant field without incurring costs of maintains such expertise within the organization. Organizations tend to protect their profitability by diversifying, and, to improve flexibility and creativity, most companies establish strategic decisions to focus on the firm’s core business in order to identify processes that are critical to make outsourcing decisions.
According to Corbett (2004), outsourcing is a management tool that is used to move an organization away from the traditional vertically integrated, self-sufficient structure; one that is increasingly ineffective in today’s hyper-competitive, performance driven environment. Through outsourcing, the organization moves towards a business structure through which it is able to make more focused investments in the areas that provide its unique competitive advantage. As stated by Mullin (1996), outsourcing has only been officially considered as a prominent business strategy since 1989. Many organizations are not totally self-sustained and would usually outsource certain functions for which they do not own internal competencies.
 Delivering quality service to customers/clients and ensuring operational efficiency is one of the major focuses of management. Outsourcing some organizational functions will help management to focus on other functions in order to achieve competitive advantage. Outsourcing also helps in achieving and enjoying certain expertise that may be too expensive to maintain internally.
The cost of hiring, training and maintaining certain manpower may sometimes be higher than the benefits of engaging full time resources for the intended period. Outsourcing would enable management to retain and focus on only the needed manpower relevant to the core operations of the company thereby saving costs. Outsourcing processes, functions and activities that are not related to the core operations of the company will enable management to channel their energy and focus more on achieving strategic goals and objectives. This way, resources and time will be focused on value adding activities and core competencies. Outsourcing gives management free time to carry out their day-today core activities with less focus on those unimportant tasks. There is enough time to think strategically on ways to position the company for greater heights. Outsourcing therefore improves productivity. With increase in Outsourcing of business processes there is enough time available for formulating strategies, exploring new areas for earning revenues, and focusing on their customers. This improves the-overall performance of the organization.


Reference code: MG028
Reference code: MG028

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Social Intelligence and Team Cohesiveness in the Hospitality Industry In Port Harcourt.

Reference code: MG027


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship social intelligence and team cohesiveness insocial intelligence and team cohesiveness of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design to solicit responses from our target population which comprised of fourteen (14) Banks in the South –South Zone of Nigeria of which 14 licensed and Quoted Banks have regional Head Quarters in Port Harcourt, the respective regional offices represented our accessible population. After data cleaning, only data of 227 respondents were finally used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation were used for data analysis and hypothesis testing. Empirical findings revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between social intelligence and team cohesiveness of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. Findings further revealed that social information processing and social awareness have significant relationship with mutual trust, interdependence and communication measures of team cohesiveness. Organizational culture moderated the relationship between social intelligence and team cohesiveness. The study thus concluded that social intelligence bears a positive and significant influence on team cohesiveness and all the dimensions and measures show significant positive relationships. We recommended that Deposit money banks in Port Harcourt should adopt social intelligence dimensions of social information processingand social awareness as strategies to enable them increase their level of team cohesiveness.The study also recommended thatManagers should build upon their social intelligence skills if they aim at motivating their team members towards more commitment or even towards thinking and acting entrepreneurially and achieve better organizational performance. Furthermore, we recommended that management of banks should frequently organize training sessions for managers, employees and team leaders to inculcate in them social skills relevant for achieving better performance.


The current recession in Nigeria economy is changing business dynamics and operational models. Teams are the basic structure through which projects, activities as well as tasks are being organized, managed and succeed within companies worldwide. Global businesses striving for competitive advantage are increasingly inculcating the use of high performance teams to channel complex business strategies (Druskat and Wolff, 200l). Projects carried by teams provide many advantages and benefits. Major significant advantages are the diversity of knowledge, ideas and skills contributed by team members, and the comradeship
or friendliness among members. A feature commonly seen among high performance teams is cohesiveness, which is a measure of the attraction of the group to its members Employees in highly cohesive teams will be more cooperative and effective in achieving the goals they set for themselves (Oxford Brookes University, Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, 2013).

Employees, of cohesive teams develop shared values, culture and loyalty in the business environment. The understanding of team members creates smooth and more effective and efficient communication. When working toward a common purpose, individual members of a team bring different skills and ideas to the project. Team members can stand in for one another inefficiency or lack of skill.  Highly cohesive team members focus on the objective, not the individual; they respect everyone else in the team, taking good motives; and they are fully committed to decisions, strategies, creating transparency among team members. There is high morale in cohesive teams as a result of increased team member communications, esprit de corps team environment, integrity and team member participation in the decision making process (Daft and Marcic, 2009).

Successful business strategies are usually earned out by effective team with high level of team cohesiveness. Highly cohesive teams are more committed to the goals and activities, they become happy when they succeed and feel as part of the success of the organization. High performance teams are what make companies that arc making wave around the world successful. Whether the Job is to create an innovative pro1uct, service or innovation teams rather than individual are taking more responsibility than ever before. Team that is ideal combined individual talents, skills and knowledge into one synergy with capabilities that surpass individual. High functioning teams are not the result of coincidence.

Ross (2006) elucidated that teams achieve greater levels of participation and collaboration because their members trust one another, share ‘a strong sense of team identity, and have confidence in their abilities and effectiveness. This implies that such teams possess a high level of team social intelligence.

Nevertheless, studies on team cohesiveness have been carried out by several at different sectors, countries and cultures using different variables. Steinbardt, et.al (2003) found the relationship between hardiness supervisor support and group cohesion. They tested conceptual model based on research supporting the relationship between the predictors of hardiness, supervisor support and group cohesion and the criterions of job stress and job satisfaction and between the predictor of job stress and the criterion of job satisfaction. The findings of the study show that there is a direct relationship between social intelligence and team cohesiveness.

Wender, et.al (2004) revealed that there is no relationship between individualism and team cohesiveness. Furthermore, Chansler, et al studied the determinants of group cohesiveness in self-managing work1teams. The’ found that there is evidence that support a link between group cohesion and performance. Hongyan (2008) identified the consequence of group cohesiveness and the performance is very difficult, but one thing is certain, the higher organization cohesiveness and the higher achievements have the close relation.

Xie and Johns (2000) examined the interactive effects of group cohesiveness and absence culture salience, and found that aggregate measures of salience and cohesiveness each had a negative relationship with work-group absenteeism.  Group absence norms mediated the effort of cohesiveness, culture salience and their interaction on self-reported absenteeism Wented, et at (2009) examined the relationship between leadership and team cohesiveness in difference social cultures According to them directive leadership and Supportive leadership are negatively and positively related with team cohesiveness, respectively and these relations are stronger in individualistic societies.


Reference code: MG027
Reference code: MG027

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Teamwork Management and Organizational Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Reference code: MG026


The study investigated the relationship between Team Work and Organizational performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt.  Mutual trust, Communication and Goal Clarity were conceptualized as the dimensions of Team work management, while market share and profitability were conceptualized as measures of organizational performance.  With reference to the conceptual and operational framework, the researcher answered six (6) research questions and six (6) hypotheses in order to ascertain the degree of positive relationship between Team work management and organizational performance.  Resource Based View (RBV) was the baseline theory adopted as the theoretical foundation for the study.  Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted for the study.  A total of one hundred and ninety-one (191) respondent were drawn from a population of 365 across the seventeen (17) deposit money banks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.  The researcher collected data on Micro level unit of analyses using a five 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. The Questionnaire was validated via face validity, content validity and pilot test while Cronbach alpha was used to test for reliability of the research instrument. The data collected was analyzed at different levels. For primary level data, descriptive analytical tools precisely frequency tables supported with chats and descriptive statistics was employed for univariate analysis of data while for secondary data analysis, inferential statistical tool [i.e. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC)] was used for tertiary level data, the result of the findings revealed that mutual trust, communication and Goal clarity significantly influenced market share and profitability respectively. Based on the empirical findings, the researcher therefore concluded that Team work management leads to organizational performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt.  The researcher then recommends that Deposit money banks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should adopt Teamwork activities in order to enhance organizational performance. 


The current recession in Nigeria economy is changing business dynamics and operational models. People have always been central to organizations. In fact, a growing number of experts now argue that the key to a firm’s success is based on establishing a set of core competence. This, according to Bratton & Gold (1999), is integrated knowledge sets within an organization that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers. People are therefore, a source of competitive advantage when their talents can be combined and deployed to work on a new assignment at a moment’s notice. Teamwork is therefore, a pervasive method for ensuring an organized workforce.

A team, according to Jones & George (2003), is a group whose members work intensely with each other to achieve a specific common goal or objective. The study of groups in work situation has been an important activity of behavioural Scientists ever since the pioneering work of the Hawthorne Researchers over fifty years ago (Cole ,1996). Every team is indisputably a group, but not all groups are teams. Jones & George (2003), Parker (1994), identified two characteristics that distinguish teams from groups as, the intensity with which team members work together, and the presence of a specific overriding team goal or objective.

Teams can help an organization gain competitive advantage in several ways. The primary advantage of a team in an organization is the opportunity to obtain a type of synergy. This is hinged on the fact that people working in a group are able to produce more or higher-quality outputs than would have been produced if each person worked separately and all their individual efforts combined. Second, teams help an organization to increase its responsiveness to customers. This is because; responsiveness to customers often requires a variety of skills and expertise, which a team situation guarantees.

Third, organizations achieve innovations using teams. Teamwork gives rooms for criticisms and discovery of individual errors. Again, the experience of working alongside other highly charged and motivated people can be very stimulating. This simply means that team work proves useful in motivating individuals at work. The place of teams in organizational life cannot, therefore, be over-emphasized. These have been well conceptualized in the literature. However, one area lacks much attention – management of work teams. Teams can only be useful to the organizational life if properly managed. The unavailability of adequate studies on management of teams has left a serious vacuum in the literature. It is this quest to cover the gap that necessitated this study.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Most organizations have not been able to attain high performance through teams as a, result of the configuration of members. Synergy can only be achieved in teams where there is the ability of members to positively criticize ideas of one another, and to accomplish work that is too vast or all encompassing, for individuals to achieve on their own. A situation where teams are formed with individuals as representatives of specific interest groups may make for a team of persons lacking broad-based and complementary skills relevant to the objective. .......


1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 2
1.3 Conceptual Framework 4
1.4 Purpose of the Study 4
1.5 Research Questions 5
1.6 Research Hypotheses 6
1.7 Significance of the Study 6
1.8 Scope of the Study 7
1.9 Limitation of the Study 7
1.10 Definition of Terms 7

2.1 Theoretical Foundation 9
2.2 The Concept of Teamwork management 10
2.2.1 Types of Teams 11
2.2.2 Size of Work Teams 13
2.2.3 Allocating Roles and Promoting Diversity 14
2.2.4 Leadership and Structure of Team 17
2.2.5 The Challenges of Turning Individuals into Team Players 18
2.2.6 Shaping Team Players 19
2.2.7 Benefits of Work Team 20
2.3 Dimension of Team Work Management 21
2.3.1 Mutual Trust 21
2.3.2 Communication 22
2.3.3 Goal Clarity 24
2.4 Concept of Organizational Performance 26
2.5 Measures of Performance 27
2.5.1 Profitability 27
2.5.2 Market Share 29
2.6 Teamwork Management and Organizational Performance 32

3.1 Research Design 36
3.2 Population of the Study 36
3.3 Sample Size Determination 37
3.4 Data Collection Methods (Research Instruments) 39
3.4.1 Questionnaire Design 40
3.5 Methods of Data Analysis 40
3.6 Validity Test of the Research Instrument 41
3.7 Reliability Test of the Research Instrument 42

4.1 Presentation of Questionnaire Distribution  43
4.2 Demographic Analysis  43
4.3 Tabulation of Result and Frequency Analysis 48
4.4 Secondary Data Analysis 54
4.4.1 Test of Hypothesis One 54
4.4.2 Test of Hypothesis Two 55
4.4.3 Test of Hypothesis Three 55
4.4.4 Test of Hypothesis Four 56
4.4.5 Test of Hypothesis Five 57
4.4.6 Test of Hypothesis Six 58
4.5 Discussion of Findings 59
4.5.1 Significant Relationship between Mutual Trust and Organizational Performance 59
4.5.2 Significant Relationship between Team Communication and
Organizational Performance 60
4.5.3 Significant Relationship between Goal Clarity and Organizational Performance 61

5.1 Summary of Findings 62
5.2 Conclusion 62
5.3 Recommendations 63
5.4 Contribution to Knowledge 64
References 67
Appendix A
Appendix B

Reference code: MG026
Reference code: MG026

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Outsourcing Practices and Corporate Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt

Reference code: MG024


This research investigated the association between outsourcing practices and corporate performance of Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Human resource service, financial service and production service were used as empirical referent of the predictor variable while profitability and market share were used as measures of the criterion variable. With respects to the conceptual and operational framework, the research answered six research questions and test six hypotheses in order to ascertain the degree of positive linear association between outsourcing practices and corporate performance. Resource Based Theory (RBT) and Transaction Cost Theory (TCT) were the sociological baseline theories adopted as the theoretical foundation for the study. Cross-sectional survey research design was used for the study. A total ofseventy three (73) respondents were drawn from a population of ninety(90)existing managerial employees across the eighteen (18) selected Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, using Krejcie& Morgan (1970) table for determining corresponding sample size for a given population and the Krejcie& Morgan (1970)formula for sub-sample size calculation for individual organization. The researcher collected data on a macro level unit of analyses using a five point Likert Scale questionnaire tattled: “Questionnaire on Outsourcing Practices and Corporate Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt (QOPCP)”.
The Questionnaire was validated through face validity, content validity and construct validity while Cronbach alpha was used to test for reliability of the research instrument. The data collected was analyzed at different levels. For primary level data, descriptive analytical tools were used and for secondary level data, inferential statistical tool [i.e. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC)] was used. These analyses were conducted using a computer software package called statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. The result of the findings revealed that human resource outsourcing service; financial outsourcing service and production outsourcing service give rise to corporate profitability and market shares respectively. Based on empirical findings, the researcher then concluded that outsourcing practices significantly and positively affects corporate performance of manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt.The researcher then recommends that: Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should stimulate human resources outsourcing in order to achieve profitability; Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should encourage human resources outsourcing in order to ensure increased market share; Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should inspire financial outsourcing services in order to guarantee increased profitability; Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should inspire financial outsourcing services in order to enhance increased market share; Manufacturing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should persuade Production outsourcing services in order to warrant increased profitability and Manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should stimulate Production outsourcing services to ensure increased market share.


The current recession in Nigeria economy is changing business dynamics and operational models. Restructuring or/and rightsizing is becoming the order of the day. A common activity in restructuring is the identification and separation of core from no-core activities. Subsequently, processes are built around both activities to support overall enterprise goals (Uwadiae, 2017). To achieve a functional, efficient and cost effective organization, it is now common knowledge that certain processes are better outsourced to a service provider than managed internally.

Outsourcing business process is a management practice that involves engaging a third party usually known as service providers to manage certain process and for activities of the company. Outsourcing is a common practice and a familiar concept. Over the years, both big and small companies engage the services of other firms to handle tasks that would normally have been performed within the organization. Sometimes, it is usually the non- core functions that are outsourced to enable management focus on core business activities (Uwadie, 2017).

At other times, management would outsource an important an important function where it does have the expertise or the financial capacity to run efficiently, provide the decision advances the achievement of overall objective. However, despite the world-wide acceptance of Outsourcing practices, many companies are yet   to fully understand and tap into the numerous benefits of outsourcing. In addition to benefits discussed in details in the foregoing, Outsourcing helps to achieve sustainable efficient corporate performance thereby increasing revenues, enhancing quality service delivery to customers, reduce exposures to business risks, increase manpower efficiency and optimize processes.

With the current economic situation, the dream of every management is to operate at maximum efficiency and at the lowest possible costs without hurting the bottom-line. Outsourcing services help companies to access specialized services that can increase revenue and reduce operating costs. Outsourcing gives access to the best expertise in the relevant field without incurring costs of maintains such expertise within the organization. Organizations tend to protect their profitability by diversifying, and, to improve flexibility and creativity, most companies establish strategic decisions to focus on the firm’s core business in order to identify processes that are critical to make outsourcing decisions.

According to Corbett (2004), outsourcing is a management tool that is used to move an organization away from the traditional vertically integrated, self-sufficient structure; one that is increasingly ineffective in today’s hyper-competitive, performance driven environment. Through outsourcing, the organization moves towards a business structure through which it is able to make more focused investments in the areas that provide its unique competitive advantage. As stated by Mullin (1996), outsourcing has only been officially considered as a prominent business strategy since 1989. Many organizations are not totally self-sustained and would usually outsource certain functions for which they do not own internal competencies.

Delivering quality service to customers/clients and ensuring operational efficiency is one of the major focuses of management. Outsourcing some organizational functions will help management to focus on other functions in order to achieve competitive advantage. Outsourcing also helps in achieving and enjoying certain expertise that may be too expensive to maintain internally.

The cost of hiring, training and maintaining certain manpower may sometimes be higher than the benefits of engaging full time resources for the intended period. Outsourcing would enable management to retain and focus on only the needed manpower relevant to the core operations of the company thereby saving costs. Outsourcing processes, functions and activities that are not related to the core operations of the company will enable management to channel their energy and focus more on achieving strategic goals and objectives.

This way, resources and time will be focused on value adding activities and core competencies. Outsourcing gives management free time to carry out their day-today core activities with less focus on those unimportant tasks. There is enough time to think strategically on ways to position the company for greater heights. Outsourcing therefore improves productivity. With increase in Outsourcing of business processes there is enough time available for formulating strategies, exploring new areas for earning revenues, and focusing on their customers. This improves the-overall performance of the organization.

Statement of the Problem
An extensive amount of outsourcing research has been conducted on the management of outsourcing practices. Especially, researchers have focused their attention on outsourcing related to governance practices and mechanisms such as contracts, relationships and sanctions. These practices are supposed to increase the likelihood of successful outsourcing practices and improve performance of the host company. This is rarely the case as observed elsewhere. Handley & Benton (2009) for example posited that a more complete contract positively impacts outsourcing performance in two ways; First, through reducing risk and uncertainty by way of more detailed specifications of obligations and procedures and, second, through enhancing inter-firm resource efficiency through coordination provisions. Because the empirical studies that have explored the importance of complete contracts for the success of outsourcing practices have shown mixed findings.

Handley & Benton (2009) concluded that more research is needed in manufacturing sector to investigate the influence of environmental factors such as risk and supporting enforcement practices in outsourcing practices. Despite the growing trend of logistics outsourcing, there are very limited sources of literature on outsourcing practices in Nigeria. Suffice to mention that there are limited studies on outsourcing. Hence, it is crucial in the Nigerian context to understand the extent of outsourcing practices in this country and the relevant trends. In this study, we evaluate the factors of outsourcing practices that contribute to the corporate performance and help improve the dismal situation of outsourcing practices in the manufacturing sector in Nigeria.


Reference code: MG024
Reference code: MG024

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Strategic Management and Organizational Achievement of Publishing Firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Reference code: MG023


This research examined the relationship between strategic management process and organizational achievement of Publishing Firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation were conceptualized and used as empirical referent of the predictor variable while increased profitability and market share were also employed as measures of the criterion variable. With respects to the conceptual and operational framework, the research answered six research questions and six hypotheses in order to ascertain the degree of positive linear correlation between strategic management process and organizational achievement. The Agency Theory (AT) was the sociological baseline theory used as the theoretical foundation for the study. Cross-sectional survey research design was used for the study. A total of forty five (45) existing managerial employees were drawn from a population of forty five (45)existing managerial employees across the fifteen (15) selected Publishing Firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria using Krejcie & Morgan table for sample size determination. The researcher collected data on a macro level unit of analyses using a five point Likert Scale questionnaire tattled: “Questionnaire on Strategic Management Process and Organizational Achievement in Port Harcourt, Nigeria (QSMPOA)” based on simple random sampling technique. The Questionnaire was validated via face validity, content validity, pilot test (pre-test) and construct validity while Cronbach alpha was used to test for reliability of the research instrument. The data collected was analyzed at different levels. For primary level data, descriptive analytical tools were used and for secondary level data, inferential statistical tool [i.e. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC)] was used. These analyses were carried out using a computer software package called statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. The result of the findings revealed that strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation brings about increased profitability and market share respectively. Based on empirical findings, the researcher then concluded that strategic management process influences organizational achievement. The researcher then recommend that: Managers of organizations should not be carried away by the flare of strategy formulation as it has slight impact on increased profitability; Managers of organizations though are advised to formulate strategies but they should mindful of the illusion by translating it directly to market shares because no matter how good a formulated strategy is, it would only have meaningful impact when implemented. So managers are generally advised to carry out a pilot survey on the strategy formulated in order to ascertain if such strategies formulated are implementable in real life; Managers of organization should create strategy implementation unit charged with well training resource persons to man them in their organization this is because strategy implementation is the heart of all strategic processes and it was found that it strongly leads to increased profitability which is the major reason why business are existing; Managers should initiate, adopt and implement policies that will foster strategy implementation in their various organizations as it was found that strategy implementation strongly leads to market shares; Managers of organizations should implement policies that aid strategy evaluations. This is necessary because it would aid the organization to access or review their performance over time and also access if they were able to overcome their weakness and threats earlier identified during the process of strategy formulation since it was proved that strategy evaluation significantly leads to increased profitability.


Achievement levels in an organization can be tied to results of the group's efforts to effect change in the community or to the results obtained by a set of customers. For example, a firm that provides private tutoring services might need students to reach various achievements levels to gauge success. Teachers certainly monitor student achievement levels. The head office might expect the branch to reach different achievement levels in saturation of new product line or measure how many current customers upgraded their services. Sales figures and overall firm growth are achievement levels that guide a commercial organization, while non-profits could be more tied to external results.

This method adopted by most of the business organizations in developed countries and developing countries in the way of growth and it has the greatest effect on their superiority and excellence. The current recession in Nigeria economy is changing business dynamics and operational models. Business organizations face many challenges as a result of the scientific changes, rapid and persistent technical developments. In the presence of these hectic challenges, the traditional management operations become incapable of making the publishing firms compete favorably. But the strategic cases in light of the dramatic changes in information and communications technology and in the work of the organizations environment, there is the need for the use of information systems and decision support systems to take strategic dimension affecting the firm’s ability to achieve competitive advantage. Many organizations are using strategic management to make effective decisions.

But strategic management may not always guarantee success; it can be dysfunctional if conducted haphazardly. If well carried out, strategic management allows a business organization to be more proactive than reactive in shaping its own future. The importance of the strategic management to the keenness of both organizations to improve and develop their performance to reach the superior performance, considering the private sectors are the main opening from which the contemporary societies go through the progress in science and technology.

There are many challenges publishing firms are encountering, making it imperious to be operated in accordance with scientific and clear methodology which do not waste time, effort, and money randomly, so as to enable it increase its productivity effectively and efficiently, as reflected in the quality of services provided. It allows an organization to initiate and influence (rather than just respond to) its environment and thus to exert control over its own activities. The principal benefit of strategic management is to enable organizations make better strategies through the use of a more systematic, logical and rational approach to business decisions. Strategic management aids to elicit understanding and commitment from all managers and employees.

When managers and employees understand what the organization is doing and why, they often feel as part of the firm and become committed to improving on it. Nigerian managers and employees can become creative and innovative when they understand and support the firm’s mission, objectives and strategies. Strategic management then provides personal empowerment, which can be defined as the act of strengthening an individual’s sense of effectiveness. Other likely benefits of strategic management to Nigerian firms include enhanced awareness of environmental threats and improved understanding of competitors’ strategies, increased employee productivity, reduced resistance to change and a clearer understanding of the performance reward system.

Strategic management in Nigerian firms can also provide a foundation for recognizing and justifying the need for change to all managers and employees; it helps them view change as an opportunity rather than a threat. The researcher have found their stray in the strategic management approach which represents an approach that is characterized by modernity, leadership, operations, means and the ability to increase the competitiveness of the organization and improve its performance (AL-Dory, 2005). This method adopted by most of the business organizations in developed countries and some emerging countries toe the path of growth and had a significant impact on superiority and excellence.

It is true that some publishing organizations may succeed as a result of chance in the short term without serious practice of strategic management, but in the long term, what remains are the organizations that practiced it seriously (Abu Naem, 1993) . Since the improvement in private sector performance is a global interest in all countries, any society that manages its publishing sector well, not only effectively and efficiently but fairly and innovatively attain its highest level of performance (Al-Khatib, 2001).


1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Purpose and Objectives of the Study 5
1.4 Study Variables and Conceptual Framework 5
1.5 Research Questions 8
1.6 Research Hypotheses 8
1.7 Significance of Study 9
1.8 Scope of the Study 9
1.9 Limitation of the Study 10
1.10 Definition of Terms 10

2.1 Theoretical Foundation 12
2.2 The Concept of Strategic Management 13
2.3 Dimensions of Strategic Management 14
2.3.1 Strategy Formulation   14
2.3.2 Strategy Implementation 17 Strategy Implementation 18
2.3.3 Strategy Evaluation 21
2.4 Concept of Organizational Achievement 23
2.4.1 Workers Achievement Levels 25
2.5 Measures of Organizational Achievements 26
2.5.1 Increased Profitability 26 Return On Equity (ROE) 26 Return On Assets (ROA) 27 Financial Leverage Percentage 27 Earnings Per Share (EPS) 28
2.5.2 Market Share 28
2.6 Relationship between Strategic Management and Organizational Achievement  31

3.1 Research Design 32
3.2 Population of the Study 32
3.3 Sample Size and Sample Technique 34
3.4 Method of Data Collection and Instruments 35
3.5 Validity Test 36
3.6 Reliability Test 38
3.7 Method of Data Analyses 40

4.1 Data Presentation 41
4.2 Response Rate Analysis 47
4.3 Demographic Analyses  48
4.4 Univariate Data Analysis (Descriptive Statistics) 53
4.5 Determining the Existence of a Positive Association between Strategic
Management Process and Organizational Achievement Using the Scatter Graph 59
4.6 Bivariate Data Analysis (Inferential Statistics) 60
4.6.1 Test of Research Hypothesis One 61
4.6.2 Test of Research Hypothesis Two 62
4.6.3 Test of Research Hypothesis Three 63
4.6.4 Test of Research Hypothesis Four 65
4.6.5 Test of Research Hypothesis Five 66
4.6.6 Test of Research Hypothesis Six 67
4.7 Discussion of Findings 68

5.1 Summary of the Finding 70
5.2 Conclusion 70
5.3 Recommendations 71
5.4 Contribution to Knowledge 72
References 74
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D

Reference code: MG023
Reference code: MG023

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Transformational Leadership and Employee Commitment in Commercial Banks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Reference code: MG022


This study investigated the relationship between transformational leadership and employee commitment in Nigerian banks.  The research is a survey/cross-sectional, hence questionnaire were developed and sample size were determined.  The research instruments were tested for validity and reliability.  Two hundred and ninety-three (293) copies of questionnaire were distributed among the respondents and two hundred and eighty-five (285) of the copies questionnaire were returned.  Structured questions were presented in the questionnaire. Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient (PPMCC) with the statistical package for social science (SPSS) was adopted for analysis of data.  Six hypotheses were stated in null form and tested.  Findings revealed that there is positive and significant relationship between idealized influence, between intellectual stimulation, between individualized consideration with continuance and normative commitment.  It therefore concluded that transformational leadership dimensions have significant influence on employees commitment measures.  Hence, we recommended that organizations should provide an enabling and conducive environment that will help managers exhibit transformational leadership style that will promote employee commitment. 


The world economic and political orders are changing rapidly. Evolutionary changes are taking place at revolutionary speed, largely pushed by strong external forces, arising out of a desire to increasing competitiveness and efficiency (Geringer et al, 2002).  The recent liberalization and bold economic reforms pronounced by government have thrown up many challenges and opportunities to the industry with the explosion in the information technology, increased global competition, rapidly changing market deregulation (Shahnawaz and Rakesh, 2006).  Expectedly, therefore, the increasingly higher commitment needed by organizations from its workforce will help managers to achieve organizational goals in order to remain competitive in the business.  Organizations, especially those established for profit motives are constantly faced with serious competition for resource and market, with the resources mostly in the area of human capital needed to drive the organizational goals.

To understand the critical important of people in the organization is to recognize that the human element and the organization are synonymous and well managed organization usually sees an average worker as the root source of quality and productivity gains (Adeyinka et al, 2007).  Such organizations do not look at capital investment, but to employees as the fundamental source of improvement (Adeyinka et al, 2007).

An organization is effective to the degree to which it achieves its goals.  An effective organization will make sure that there is a spirit of cooperation and sense of commitment and satisfaction within the sphere of its influence. (Adeyinka et al, 2007).
Adeyinka et al, 2007 equally argues that to make employees satisfied and committed to their jobs and by extension to the organization will require the need for strong and effective motivation at the various levels, departments and sections of the organization.  To this end, managers and management researchers have long believed that organizational goals are unattainable without the enduring commitment of members of the organizations (Adeyinka et al, 2007).

A wide variety of definitions and measure of employee commitment exist.  Beckeri, Randal and Riegel (1995) defined the term in three stages firstly, a desire to remain a member of a particular organization, secondly, a willingness to exert high levels of efforts on behalf of the organization and thirdly belief in and acceptability of the values and goals of the organization. These measures of commitment were presented by Allen and Meyer (1991) as affective, continuance and normative commitments. To Northcraft & Neale (1996), commitment is an attitude reflecting an employee’s loyalty to the organization, and an ongoing process through which organization members express their concern for the organization and its continued success and well being.  ..........


Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 6
1.3 Purpose of the Study 7
1.4 Objectives of the Study 7
1.5 Conceptual Framework 7
1.6 Research Questions 8
1.7 Research Hypotheses 9
1.8 Scope of the Study 9
1.9 Limitation of the Study 10
1.10 Significance of the Study 10
1.11 Definition of Terms 10

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature
2.1 Theoretical Foundation 12
2.2 Concept of Employee Commitment 13
2.3 Measures of Employee Commitment 17
2.3.1 Continuance Commitment 17
2.3.2 Normative Commitment 18
2.4 Concept of Transformational Leadership 19
2.5 Dimensions of Transformational Leadership 27
2.5.1 Idealized Influence 27
2.5.2 Intellectual Stimulation 27
2.5.3 Individualized Consideration 28
2.6 Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Employee
Commitment 28
2.6.1 Criticisms of Transformational Leadership 31
2.6.2 The Future of Transformational Leadership 33
2.6.3 Successful Transformational Leadership 34
2.7 Reviewing Corporate Culture as a Moderating Variable between
Transformational Leadership and Employee Commitment 35
2.8 Operational Framework 37

Chapter 3: Research Methodology 
3.1 Research Design 38
3.2 Population of the Study 38
3.3 Sample Technique and Sample Size Determination 39
3.4 Data Collection Methods and Instruments 41
3.5 Validity Test 41
3.6 Reliability Test 41
3.7 Method of Data Analyses 42

Chapter 4: Data Presentation, Analysis and Discussion of Findings
4.1 Data Presentation 44
4.2 Response Rate Analysis 44
4.3 Analysis of Demographic Characteristics of Respondents 45
4.4 Univariate Data Analyses 52
4.5 Ascertaining the Existence of a Positive Relationship between
Transformational Leadership and Employee’s Commitment using the
Scatter Diagram. 58
4.6 Bivariate Data Analyses 59
4.6.1 Test of Research Hypothesis One 60
4.6.2 Test of Research Hypothesis Two 61
4.6.3 Test of Research Hypothesis Three 62
4.6.4 Test of Research Hypothesis Four 62
4.6.5 Test of Research Hypothesis Five 63
4.6.6 Test of Research Hypothesis Six 64
4.7 Multivariate Analysis 65
4.8 Discussion of Findings 67

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary of Findings 71
5.2 Conclusion 72
5.3 Recommendations 73
5.4 Contribution to Knowledge 54
References 75
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D

Reference code: MG022
Reference code: MG022

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Work-Life Balance and Employee’s Commitment of Commercial Banks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Reference code: MG021


This research sets out to determine the relationship between work-life balance and employee’s commitment of Lending Money Banks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Flexible work arrangement (FWA)and employee assistance programs (EAP) were conceptualized as the empirical referent of the predictor variable (work-life balance) while affective and normative commitment were conceptualized as measures of the criterion variable (employee’s commitment). With reference to the conceptual and operational framework, the research answered five (5) research questions and five (5) hypotheses in order to ascertain the degree of positive linear relationship between work-life balance and employee’s commitment and the moderating effect of organizational culture on the association between work-life balance and employee’s commitment. The Social Exchange Theory (SET) and Equity Theory (ET) were the sociological baseline theories adopted as the theoretical foundation for the study. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted for the study. A total of fifty tour (54) respondents were drawn from a population of fifty four (54) respondents across the six (6) selected Lending Money Banks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The researcher collected data on a macro level unit of analyses using a five point Likert Scale questionnaire tattled: “Questionnaire on Work-Life Balance and Employee’s Commitment Lending Money Banks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.  (QOWLBEC)”. The Questionnaire was validated via face validity, content validity and pilot test while Cronbach alpha was used to test for reliability of the research instrument. The data collected was analyzed at different levels. For primary level data, descriptive analytical tools precisely frequency tables supported with chats and descriptive statistics was employed for univariate analysis of data while for secondary data analysis, inferential statistical tool [i.e. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC)] was used for tertiary level data, partial correlation was adopted to test the moderating influence of organizational culture on the association between work-life balance and employees commitment. These analyses were conducted using a computer software package called statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. The result of the findings revealed that flexible work arrangement and employee assistance programmes significantly influenced affective and normative commitment respectively. Based on empirical findings, the researcher then concluded that work-life balance leads to employee’s commitment of Lending Money Banks in Port Harcourt. The researcher then recommends that: Lending money banks in Nigeria should implement flexible work arrangements of the employee to ensure employee commitment; Lending money banks in Nigeria should encourage employee’s assistance programme to realize employee commitment and Employee’s assistance programmes in Nigeria should promote good cultural values since it was seen to have a partial moderating influence on the relationship between work-life balance and employee commitment.


Work and family are most important domains in lives. The two roles are often in conflict that are as work with family such as long hours, reduced presence at home, and missed activities and family with work such as child illnesses and absenteeism (Gutek et.al., 1991). The more job involvement, the higher the work-family conflict and its lead to increased burnout, lack of job satisfaction, and reduced commitment (Adams et.al., 1996). The more preoccupied and reduced effectiveness due to that preoccupation, the higher the work-family conflict (Gutek et.al., 1991). There is a disproportion in the degree of conflict reported by gender. It is noted that as experience grows, regardless of gender, work-life conflicts decline (Cinamon & Rich, 2005). Those who are work-oriented make accommodations that meet their need for challenges while allowing for career enrichment and those who are family-oriented will seek accommodations to minimize conflicts with family requirements (Cinamon & Rich, 2005).

The field of work-life balance, although new, spans a wide range of academic fields. This study examines the relationship between work-life balance and employee commitment in an organization; in this case some selected money lending banks in Port Harcourt metropolis are to be studied in this regard.  There are quite a number of reasons why this research topic makes up an interesting research question to be studied among others are:

Firms or organizations are confronted with variety of challenges posed by business environment internally and externally.  The concept of work-life balance, also referred to as “work-life conflict” or “work-family conflict”, has received a great deal of attention from scholars in recent times. Although there have been various interpretations of the term, here we use the definition from the New Zealand Department of Labour website (2007) that describes it as “effectively managing the juggling act between paid work and the other activities that are important to people”. Work-life imbalance can appear in various forms from the inability to remove oneself psychologically from the demands of the job (Messersmith, 2007), to a blurring of the lines between work and home life (Boswell & Olson-Buchanan, 2007).

Despite being a relatively new body of thought, the existence of academic studies on work-life balance is broad. Focuses range from political action (Bryson, Warner-Smith, Brown & Fray, 2007) to the impact of technologies (Boswell et. al. 2007) to its effect on workers’ attitudes (McPherson, 2007). This saturation is hardly surprising given that, according to a report written on behalf of global research organization ESOMAR, over two thirds of people across 23 different countries believe they lack work-life balance and nearly half felt personally affected by the imbalance (Echegaray, Cornish & Donnelly, 2006).

In spite of having such challenges, firms are competing to achieve their goals effectively and efficiently. Employees in firms are also affected by workforce changes due to technological advancement, dwindling oil prices, high rate of competition, high rate of crude oil supply in the labour market and recession in some African countries e.g. Nigeria. Changes in work style, work culture, family needs and work demands are rapidly taking place which eventually increased the population of dual earner couples, single parent families and eldercare responsibilities. These increased changes can have adverse impact on employees’ commitment as well as organizational performance. Increased pressure at workplace negatively affects the work-life balance, job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Kossek, 2005; Bragger et al., 2005; Anderso et al., 2002).

Employees’ attitudes toward their organizations and life are affected by work-life balance. Work-life balance is especially important when an organization has to manage highly technical professionals because their high commitment and loyalty is needed for the success of the organization (Scholarios & Marks, 2006).  Women are considered to be the “reserve Army” of labour as well as the occupants of the “Secondary labour market” (Procter & Padfield, 1999). The traditional way of seeing women as the “grateful slaves” started during the industrial revolution with the separation of the public and private domains. ...........


1.1 Background to the Study      1
1.2 Statement of Research Problem 4
1.3 Purpose of the Study    5
1.4 Objectives of the Study        5
1.5 Study Variables and Conceptual Framework 6
1.6 Research Questions          9
1.7 Research Hypotheses 10
1.8 Significance of the Study      11
1.9 Scope of the Study  12
1.10 Limitation(s) of the Study      12
1.11 Operational Definition of Terms      12

2.1 Theoretical Framework      14
2.1.1 Social Exchange Theory      14
2.1.2 Equity Theory      16
2.2 Concept of Work-Life Balance    17
2.3 Dimensions of Work-Life Balance 21
2.3.1 Flexible Work Arrangements    21
2.3.2 Employee Assistance Programs      30
2.4 Concept of Employees’ Commitment      33
2.5 Measures of Employees’ Commitment 33
2.5.1 Affective Commitment      33
2.5.2 Normative Commitment    34
2.6 Concept of Organizational Culture    35
2.7 Flexible Work Arrangement and Employee Commitment      38
2.8 Employee Assistance Programme and Employee Commitment   39
2.9 Literature / Knowledge Gap        41
2.10 Organizational Culture and the Relationship between Work-Life Balance
and Employee Commitment        42
3.1 Research Design        45
3.2 Population of the Study      46
3.3 Method of Data Collection      47
3.4 Description of Research Instrument      47
3.5 Validity of Research Instrument        48
3.6 Reliability Test       48
3.7 Method of Data Analyses        49

4.1 Response Rate Analysis      50
4.2 Demographic Analysis of Subjects    50
4.3 Univariate Data Analyses 54
4.4 Bivariate Data Analyses    56
4.4.1 Test of Research Hypothesis One        57
4.4.2 Test of Research Hypothesis Two      58
4.4.3 Test of Research Hypothesis Three  59
4.4.4 Test of Research Hypothesis Four  60
4.5 Multivariate Data Analysis    61
4.5.1 Test of Research Hypothesis Five    61
4.6 Discussion of Findings      64

5.1 Summary  67
5.2 Conclusions    67
5.3 Recommendations      68
5.4 Contribution to Knowledge      68
REFERENCES                      70

Reference code: MG021
Reference code: MG021

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Succession Planning and Organizational Effectiveness of Manufacturing Firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Reference code: MG020


The study examined the relationship between succession planning and organization effectiveness of manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt.  Mentoring and management development were conceptualized as the dimension of succession planning.  While increase productivity and market share were the measure of organizational effectiveness.  The researcher answered four (4) research questions and four (4) hypotheses in order to ascertain the degree of positive relationship between succession planning and organizational effectiveness.  Leadership model succession theory was adopted as the theoretical foundations for the study.  Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted for the study.  A total of one hundred and ninety-eight (198) respondent were drawn from a population of three hundred and ninety-three (393) across the twenty-one (21) manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.  The researcher collected data on Macro Level Unit of analysis using a five 5-point Likert scale questionnaire.  The Questionnaire was validated via face validity, content validity and pilot test while Cronbach alpha was used to test for reliability of the research instrument. The data collected was analyzed at different levels. For primary level data, descriptive analytical tools precisely frequency tables supported with chats and descriptive statistics was employed for univariate analysis of data while for secondary data analysis, inferential statistical tool [i.e. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC)] was used for tertiary level data, the result of the findings revealed that mentoring and management development significantly influenced increased productivity and market share respectively. Based on the findings, the research therefore concluded that succession planning relates to organizational effectiveness of manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.  The research then recommends that manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should adopt succession planning activities in order to enhance organizational effectiveness


As businesses grow rapidly and more complex, human resources in a company become the primary resource and one of the priorities which need to be addressed. All over the world, there is growing evidence that the manufacturing companies play an important role in the national economic development of any country. They are becoming more and more a subject of high attention in the developing countries, countries in transition but also in the countries with developed economies. However, most times we observe that these flourishing enterprises that have made remarkable impact in their respective industries wind-up just few years after the death of their founders or perhaps some of them as a result of the exit of one or two key players in the organization. These persons leave the organization either voluntarily (retirement or pursuit of new aspiration) or involuntarily (relieved of appointment or death). Organizations as a result of this are faced with vacancies in leadership or inadequacy or lack of competent and capable successors to fill the vacancies (Collins, 2009; Hazarika, 2009).

In Frey’s view (1988), Organizational effectiveness is an abstract concept is basically impossible to measure, instead of measuring organizational effectiveness, the organization determines proxy measures which could be used to represent effectiveness. Proxy measures used may include such things as number of people served, types and sizes of population and segments served.  In order to bridge this gap and ensure organizational survival/continuity through the maintenance of effectiveness, which is the ultimate goal of every establishment, succession planning, which is that approach that ensures that necessary talent and skills will be available when needed, and essential knowledge and abilities are maintained when employees in critical position leave, very necessary.

No wonder, Charan, Drotter, & Noel (2001) suggest that it is essential for organizations to train successors before the vacancies are created. Buttressing the same point, Hazarika (2009) stipulates that for organizations to survive, that there is need to plan for succession of older (outgoing) employees. Succession planning in the words of Charanet al, (2001) is perpetuating the enterprise by filling the pipeline with high-performing people to assure that every leadership level has an abundance of these performers to draw from, both now and in the future. From this perspective, succession planning is seen as management pipeline that accelerates management performance over a period of time.

Several research (Garman & Glawe, 2004; Charan et al., 2001; Hazarika, 2009) have been conducted over the decade as it relates to succession planning especially in family-owned businesses. Despite these numbers of studies, little empirical studies exist on succession planning and organizational effectiveness in developing countries especially in Nigeria. To bridge this gap, this study seeks to investigate whether succession planning has a relationship with the maintenance of organizational effectiveness.


1.1 Background to the Study      1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 2
1.3 Purpose of the Study    3
1.4 Conceptual Framework        3
1.5 Research Questions          4
1.6 Research Hypotheses      4
1.7 Significance of the Study      4
1.8 Scope of the Study  5
1.9 Definition of Terms    6

2.1 Theoretical Background    7
2.1.1 Leadership Model Succession Theory      7
2.2 Concept of Succession Planning 8
2.2.1 Succession Management     10 Succession Management Philosophy 14 Succession Management Model 14
2.3 Dimensions of Succession Planning 17
2.3.1 Mentoring as a Dimension of Succession Planning 17
2.3.2 Management Development as a Dimension of Succession Planning    19
2.4 Concept of Organizational Effectiveness  20
2.4.1 Models to Organizational Effectiveness 23 Coal Oriented Model 23 Input – Output Transformation Model 24 Strategic Constituent Model 24 Competing Values Model 25
2.5 Measures of Organizational Effectiveness 26
2.5.1 Increased Productivity as a Measure of Organizational
Effectiveness 26
2.5.2 Market Shares as a measure of Organizational Effectiveness 28
2.6 Relationship between Mentoring and Organization Effectiveness 30
1.6.1 Relationship between Management Development and Organizational
Effectiveness 31
2.6.2 Four models of Effectiveness Values 32
2.6.3 Criteria and Measures of Organizational Effectiveness 32
2.6.4 How Effectiveness is Measured 33
2.7 Effects of Succession Management on Organizational Effectiveness37

3.1 Research Design        40
3.2 Population of the Study      40
3.3 Sample Size and Sample Technique      43
3.4 Data Collection Method and Instrument 46     
3.5 Validity Test 47     
3.6 Reliability Test 48   
3.7 Method of Data Analyses    49

4.0 Data Presentation      50
4.1 Response Rate Analysis     54
4.2 Analysis of Demographic Properties of Respondents  56
4.3 Univariate Data Analyses 59
4.4 Ascertaining the Existence of Positive Relationship between Succession
Planning and Using the Scatter Diagram 65   
4.5 Bivariate Data Analyses        66
4.5.1 Test of Research Hypothesis One    66
4.5.2 Test of Research Hypothesis Two 67
4.5.3 Test of Research Hypothesis Three 68
4.5.4 Test of Research Hypothesis Four 69
4.6 Discussion of Findings      69

5.1   Summary of the Findings  72
5.2 Conclusions    72
5.3 Recommendations      73
5.4 Contribution to Knowledge      73
REFERENCES                              75

Reference code: MG020
Reference code: MG020

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