The study investigated the relationship between Team Work and Organizational performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. Mutual trust, Communication and Goal Clarity were conceptualized as the dimensions of Team work management, while market share and profitability were conceptualized as measures of organizational performance. With reference to the conceptual and operational framework, the researcher answered six (6) research questions and six (6) hypotheses in order to ascertain the degree of positive relationship between Team work management and organizational performance. Resource Based View (RBV) was the baseline theory adopted as the theoretical foundation for the study. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted for the study. A total of one hundred and ninety-one (191) respondent were drawn from a population of 365 across the seventeen (17) deposit money banks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The researcher collected data on Micro level unit of analyses using a five 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. The Questionnaire was validated via face validity, content validity and pilot test while Cronbach alpha was used to test for reliability of the research instrument. The data collected was analyzed at different levels. For primary level data, descriptive analytical tools precisely frequency tables supported with chats and descriptive statistics was employed for univariate analysis of data while for secondary data analysis, inferential statistical tool [i.e. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC)] was used for tertiary level data, the result of the findings revealed that mutual trust, communication and Goal clarity significantly influenced market share and profitability respectively. Based on the empirical findings, the researcher therefore concluded that Team work management leads to organizational performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. The researcher then recommends that Deposit money banks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should adopt Teamwork activities in order to enhance organizational performance.INTRODUCTION
The current recession in Nigeria economy is changing business dynamics and operational models. People have always been central to organizations. In fact, a growing number of experts now argue that the key to a firm’s success is based on establishing a set of core competence. This, according to Bratton & Gold (1999), is integrated knowledge sets within an organization that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers. People are therefore, a source of competitive advantage when their talents can be combined and deployed to work on a new assignment at a moment’s notice. Teamwork is therefore, a pervasive method for ensuring an organized workforce.A team, according to Jones & George (2003), is a group whose members work intensely with each other to achieve a specific common goal or objective. The study of groups in work situation has been an important activity of behavioural Scientists ever since the pioneering work of the Hawthorne Researchers over fifty years ago (Cole ,1996). Every team is indisputably a group, but not all groups are teams. Jones & George (2003), Parker (1994), identified two characteristics that distinguish teams from groups as, the intensity with which team members work together, and the presence of a specific overriding team goal or objective.
Teams can help an organization gain competitive advantage in several ways. The primary advantage of a team in an organization is the opportunity to obtain a type of synergy. This is hinged on the fact that people working in a group are able to produce more or higher-quality outputs than would have been produced if each person worked separately and all their individual efforts combined. Second, teams help an organization to increase its responsiveness to customers. This is because; responsiveness to customers often requires a variety of skills and expertise, which a team situation guarantees.
Third, organizations achieve innovations using teams. Teamwork gives rooms for criticisms and discovery of individual errors. Again, the experience of working alongside other highly charged and motivated people can be very stimulating. This simply means that team work proves useful in motivating individuals at work. The place of teams in organizational life cannot, therefore, be over-emphasized. These have been well conceptualized in the literature. However, one area lacks much attention – management of work teams. Teams can only be useful to the organizational life if properly managed. The unavailability of adequate studies on management of teams has left a serious vacuum in the literature. It is this quest to cover the gap that necessitated this study.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Most organizations have not been able to attain high performance through teams as a, result of the configuration of members. Synergy can only be achieved in teams where there is the ability of members to positively criticize ideas of one another, and to accomplish work that is too vast or all encompassing, for individuals to achieve on their own. A situation where teams are formed with individuals as representatives of specific interest groups may make for a team of persons lacking broad-based and complementary skills relevant to the objective. .......
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 2
1.3 Conceptual Framework 4
1.4 Purpose of the Study 4
1.5 Research Questions 5
1.6 Research Hypotheses 6
1.7 Significance of the Study 6
1.8 Scope of the Study 7
1.9 Limitation of the Study 7
1.10 Definition of Terms 7
2.1 Theoretical Foundation 9
2.2 The Concept of Teamwork management 10
2.2.1 Types of Teams 11
2.2.2 Size of Work Teams 13
2.2.3 Allocating Roles and Promoting Diversity 14
2.2.4 Leadership and Structure of Team 17
2.2.5 The Challenges of Turning Individuals into Team Players 18
2.2.6 Shaping Team Players 19
2.2.7 Benefits of Work Team 20
2.3 Dimension of Team Work Management 21
2.3.1 Mutual Trust 21
2.3.2 Communication 22
2.3.3 Goal Clarity 24
2.4 Concept of Organizational Performance 26
2.5 Measures of Performance 27
2.5.1 Profitability 27
2.5.2 Market Share 29
2.6 Teamwork Management and Organizational Performance 32
3.1 Research Design 36
3.2 Population of the Study 36
3.3 Sample Size Determination 37
3.4 Data Collection Methods (Research Instruments) 39
3.4.1 Questionnaire Design 40
3.5 Methods of Data Analysis 40
3.6 Validity Test of the Research Instrument 41
3.7 Reliability Test of the Research Instrument 42
4.1 Presentation of Questionnaire Distribution 43
4.2 Demographic Analysis 43
4.3 Tabulation of Result and Frequency Analysis 48
4.4 Secondary Data Analysis 54
4.4.1 Test of Hypothesis One 54
4.4.2 Test of Hypothesis Two 55
4.4.3 Test of Hypothesis Three 55
4.4.4 Test of Hypothesis Four 56
4.4.5 Test of Hypothesis Five 57
4.4.6 Test of Hypothesis Six 58
4.5 Discussion of Findings 59
4.5.1 Significant Relationship between Mutual Trust and Organizational Performance 59
4.5.2 Significant Relationship between Team Communication and
Organizational Performance 60
4.5.3 Significant Relationship between Goal Clarity and Organizational Performance 61
5.1 Summary of Findings 62
5.2 Conclusion 62
5.3 Recommendations 63
5.4 Contribution to Knowledge 64
References 67
Appendix A
Appendix B
Reference code: MG026
Reference code: MG026
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