Social Intelligence and Team Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Port Harcourt, Rivers State

Reference code: MG012


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship social intelligence and team performance in Port Harcourt. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design to solicit responses from our target population which comprised of eighteen (18) Banks in Port Harcourt of Nigeria. After data cleaning, only data of 115 respondents were finally used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics and Pearson product moment correlation were used for data analysis and hypothesis testing. Empirical findings revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between social intelligence and team performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. Findings further revealed that social information processing and social awareness have significant relationship with team efficiency, team effectiveness and team innovativeness. Organizational culture moderated the relationship between social intelligence and team performance. The study thus concluded that social intelligence bears a positive and significant influence on team performance and all the dimensions and measures show significant positive relationships. We recommended that Deposit money banks in Port Harcourt should adopt social intelligence dimensions of social information processing and social awareness as strategies to enable them increase their level of team performance. The study also recommended that Managers should build upon their social intelligence skills if they aim at motivating their team members towards more commitment or even towards thinking and acting entrepreneurially and achieve better organizational performance.


The current recession in Nigeria economy is changing business dynamics and operational models. Teams are the basic structure through which projects, activities as well as tasks are being organized, managed and succeed within companies worldwide. Global businesses striving for competitive advantage are increasingly inculcating the use of high performance teams to channel complex business strategies (Druskat and Wolff, 200l). Projects carried by teams provide many advantages and benefits. Major significant advantages are the diversity of knowledge, ideas and skills contributed by team members, and the comradeship or friendliness among members. A feature commonly seen among high performance teams is the level of their effectiveness, efficiency and innovation. (Oxford Brookes University, Oxford Center for Staff and Learning Development, 2013).

Employees, of cohesive teams develop shared values, culture and loyalty in the business environment. The understanding of team members creates smooth and more effective and efficient communication. When working toward a common purpose, individual members of a team bring different skills and ideas to the project. Team members can stand in for one another inefficiency or lack of skill.  Highly cohesive team members focus on the objective, not the individual; they respect everyone else in the team, taking good motives; and they are fully committed to decisions, strategies, creating transparency among team members. There is high morale in cohesive teams as a result of increased team member communications, esprit de corps team environment, integrity and team member participation in the decision making process (Daft and Marcic, 2009).

Successful business strategies are usually earned out by effective team with high level of team performance. Highly cohesive teams are more committed to the goals and activities, they become happy when they succeed and feel as part of the success of the organization. High performance teams are what make companies that arc making wave around the world successful. Whether the Job is to create an innovative pro1uct, service or innovation teams rather than individual are taking more responsibility than ever before. Team that is ideal combined individual talents, skills and knowledge into one synergy with capabilities that surpass individual. High functioning teams are not the result of coincidence. Ross (2006) elucidated that teams achieve greater levels of participation and collaboration because their members trust one another, share ‘a strong sense of team identity, and have confidence in their abilities and effectiveness. This implies that such teams possess a high level of team social intelligence.

Nevertheless, studies on team performance have been carried out by several at different sectors, countries and cultures using different variables. Steinbardt, (2003) found the relationship between hardiness supervisor support and group cohesion. They tested conceptual model based on research supporting the relationship between the predictors of hardiness, supervisor support and group cohesion and the criterions of job stress and job satisfaction and between the predictor of job stress and the criterion of job satisfaction. The findings of the study show that there is a direct relationship between social intelligence and team performance. Wender, (2004) revealed that there is no relationship between individualism and team performance.

Furthermore, Chansler, et al studied the determinants of group performance in self-managing work1teams. The’ found that there is evidence that support a link between group cohesion and performance. Hongyan (2008) identified the consequence of group performance and the performance is very difficult, but one thing is certain, the higher organization performance and the higher achievements have the close relation. Xie and Johns (2000) examined the interactive effects of group performance and absence culture salience, and found that aggregate measures of salience and performance each had a negative relationship with work-group absenteeism.  Group absence norms mediated the effort of performance, culture salience and their interaction on self-reported absenteeism Wented, et at (2009) examined the relationship between leadership and team performance in difference social cultures According to them directive leadership and Supportive leadership are negatively and positively related with team performance, respectively and these relations are stronger in individualistic societies.

From the studies conducted above, it would interest us to know that none of the scholars had examined the relationship between social intelligence and team performance. None of these studies was conducted in the Nigeria hospitality industry environment. This has created a literature gap. Considering this, therefore, the knowledge gap for this study is to examine the relationship between social intelligence and team performance: a study of workers in the hospitality industry in Port Harcourt city.


Reference code: MG012
Reference code: MG012

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